The Hendee Family Tree



Total Persons 14051
Male persons 7035
Female persons 7004
Persons with unknown gender 12
Intersex persons 0
Person Events 53229


Total Families 3644
Married Families 2296
Divorced Families 20
Family Events 3659

Time & Dates

Earliest Date Mar 0015
Latest Date 26 Mar 2023

Statistic Charts

Age at Death

Age at Death

Age at Christening

Age at Christening

Age at Retirement

Age at Retirement

Age at Marriage

Age at Marriage

Age at Divorce

Age at Divorce

Age of Parents at Birth of Child

Age of Parents at Birth of Child

Age of Child at Parents Death

Age of Child at Parents Death

Age of Person at Death of Partner

Age of Person at Death of Partner

Time between Marriage and Birth of Child

Time between Marriage and Birth of Child

Last Name Distribution

Last Name Distribution

First Name Distribution

First Name Distribution

Title Distribution

Title Distribution

Year of Birth

Year of Birth

Year of Christening

Year of Christening

Year of Death

Year of Death

Year of Burial

Year of Burial

Month of Birth

Month of Birth

Month of Death

Month of Death

Month of Marriage

Month of Marriage

Month of Divorce

Month of Divorce

Children per Family

Children per Family

Place of Birth

Place of Birth

Country of Birth

Country of Birth

Place of Christening

Place of Christening

Country of Christening

Country of Christening

Place of Death

Place of Death

Country of Death

Country of Death

Place of Burial

Place of Burial

Country of Burial

Country of Burial

Place of Marriage

Place of Marriage

Country of Marriage

Country of Marriage

Facts: National or Tribal Origin

Facts: National or Tribal Origin

Facts: Ethnic Origin

Facts: Ethnic Origin



Event or Fact Types

Event or Fact Types