The Hendee Family Tree

Source: Samuel Abbe family info in "History of Ancient Windham, Ct. -- genealogy" (Weaver, 1864)


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Title Samuel Abbe family info in "History of Ancient Windham, Ct. -- genealogy" (Weaver, 1864)

Entries assigned to this source

Benjamin Abbe


FamilySearch Books digital version of original : Weaver, W.L. (1812). History of ancient Windham, Ct.--genealogy : containing a genealogical record of all the early families of ancient Windham, embracing the present towns of Windham, Mansfield, Hampton, Chaplin and Scotland : part 1: A--BIL. Willimantic, Connecticut : Weaver & Curtiss, 1864. Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982.




Pertinent text, pp. 17-18:
"3. SAMUEL ABBE, the son of John Abbe, sen., was, we are fully satisfied, the Windham settler. John, sen., of Wenham, had a son Samuel, to whom he deeded ten acres of land in Wenham, March 29, 1675. In 1670, Samuel Abei was Surveyor, according to Wenham records. In 1682, Samuel Abbe, of Wenham, bought of Lot Kilham, land, &c, in Salem Village (now Danvers). Samuel Abbe and wife were dismissed from Wenham church to form church in Salem Village, Nov. 15, 1689. In 1681, Samuel Abbe, of 'Salem,' bought ofJames Stimpson, of Reading, land within the precints and bounds of Salem. On the 3d of April, 1697, Samuel Abbe, of Salem, sold 'all his messuage in Salem,' to Zachariah White, of Lynn. The deed was signed by Samuel and Mary Abbe. Samuel Abbe was not taxed in Salem Village after 1695. Nov. 4, 1697, Samuel Abbe, 'of Salem,' bought of Benjamin Howard, of Windham, for £22 10s, current money, half an allotment of land (500 acres), being No. 2, at the 'Center,' (then at or near 'Bricktop,') with half the house, &c.
"SAMUEL ABBE removed to Windham probably about the time of the above purchase, for he was admitted an inhabitant of the town, Dec. 21, 1697. He was the ancestor of the most numerous branch of the Windham Abbes, and all of the name now living in Windham or vicinity are descended from him.
"SAMUEL ABBE m. at Wenham, Mary Knowlton, Oct. 12, 1672. He d. in Windham, in March, 1697, according to the probate records, which was 1698, as we now reckon. His wid. m. Abraham Mitchell, an early Windham settler, April 27, 1699, and had by him a son Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1700, d. same day. The estate of Samuel Abbe was settled in Hartford Probate Court. The following children are all named in the records of the court. Those b. before 1682, were probably b. at Wenham, and the others at Salem Village (now Danvers,): Mary, b. about 1674, was living single in Windham after 1700; Samuel, b. about l676, was one of the original members of the First Church of Windham. He m. Hannah Silsby, March 15, 1710, and d. Jan. 15, 1736-7, aged about 61; she d. about 1759. They had one chil.: Samuel, b. Oct. 12, 1712, d. March 15 1714; Thomas, b. about 1679, d. at Windham, April 1, 1700, unm.; Elizabeth b. about 1681, m. William Slate, of Windham, ancestor of the Mansfield Slate families. [The last name is Eleazer on probate records, but from the Windham land records we are satisfied it is a mistake, and that it should be Elizabeth.] (9) Ebenezer, b. at Salem Village, July 31, 1683; Mercy, b. March 1, 1684-5, m. Jonathan Ormsby, of Windham; Sarah, b. July 4 or 6, 1686,m. John Fowler, of Lebanon, and had family; Hepsibah, b. Feb. 14, 1688-9. m. Samuel Palmer, and was the ancestress of the largest branch of the Scotland Palmers; Abigail, b. Nov. 19, 1690, m. probably, Joseph Ormsby, of Rehoboth; John, b. June 4, 1692, is called of Hartford, 1723. It is said he settled in East Hartford and left many descendants, but we have been unable to find any records or particulars of his family. He d. in 1790, aged about 98, but according to Hinman and others, 109, which is evidently a mistake; Benjamin, b. June 4, 1694, settled in Glastenbury, and there m. Mary Tryon, dau. of Dr. Joseph, Jan. 4, 1710, and had chil.: Agnes, Hannah, Mary and Samuel; Jonathan, b. about 1697, probably settled in Willington, where he d. in 1700, and left chil.: Anne, Mary, Jonathan, Samuel and Rebecca."