The Hendee Family Tree

Source: Salem Quarterly Court Records and Files


Type Value
Title Salem Quarterly Court Records and Files

Entries assigned to this source

Nicholas Phelps






p 103
Disorderly meeting at the house of one Nicholas Phelps of Salem on the Lord’s day in time of the public worship. William Brend . . . The court sent for Nicolas Phelps, Larence Southwick and his wife . . . At the meeting were, also, Nicolas Phelps wife, Henry Traske, George Gardner’s wife, Robert Adams . . .


The names of psons Consented togeather the lords day beeinge 4th 5: 1658 at the hoose of Lawr: Southwick: vidz:
. . . Nich Phelps wife . . .

At a private meetinge last lords day aprehended these psons followinge:
Nicolas Phelps . . .

The Court being informed of a disorderly meeting of certaine suspected psons att the howse of one Nicholas Phelps of Salem, . . .

p 106
Nicolas Phelps and his wife and Henry Traske fined for being at a Quaking meeting and absence from public worship.

Robert Adams to pay costs for being at a disorderly Quaking meeting at Nicolas Phelps’ house.

Nicolas Phelps’ wife to pay costs of court for being at a Quaking meeting and absence from meeting, and to be admonished for abusing John Smith, as he was assisting the constable.
Nicolas Phelps fined for defending a Quaker’s writing, and sent to the house of correction at Ipswich for an indefinite time for confessing himself a Quaker

Court Held at Salem, June 28, 1661
Wife of Nicolas Phelps, presented for saying that Mr. Higgeson sent abroad his wolves and his bloodhounds amongst the sheep and lambs, and that the priests were deceivers of the people, was fined or to be whipped. William Flint promised to pay the fine.
. . . the wife of Nicolas Phelps. . .