Our History - As I Know It!

For many years I had heard many stories that the Hendee Family had originated in Scotland. Therefore we were Scottish. Many of the family I knew collected Scottish artifacts. Some even sent their children to a Scottish school.

My Mother, Virginia (Phelps) Hendee was the first person I knew who was interested in Genealogy back in the mid 1960s. They had no computers back then and had to rely on the nearest Public Library. In rural Webster, New York on the banks of Lake Ontario, this Library was not the Largest on record. So, Mom relied on a thing called Round Robbins, a kind of chat session done through the U.S. Postal System.

Through all of this, around 1974, she gave me 10 sheets of paper that noted around 150 related Hendee's. I began my genealogical research in 2006 with my mother's info to prime the pump, using every internet connection I could make. The Family Tree linked to in the above tabs is large. However, the only Scots I found in our family history were those who married into our family.
The Hendee Family
A Genealogical Study
The Hendee Crest may have been created in London in the early 1400s for Sir John Hende, Mayor of London, England. It was first recorded on page 478 of the General Armorial of England, Scotland & Wales Published in 1884. You may read about Sir John Hende in The History of Essex
© Paul E. Hendee 2020