Hello! My Name is
Paul Edwin Hendee

On June 7, 1948 I arrived. The secound child, later to be the middle child, of Howard Elmer Hendee and Virginia Phelps Hendee. For the first four years I lived in Rochester, N.Y.. Later, my Dad built our house in Webster, N.Y., where his family was from.

Our family came to Webster in the year 1810. It was not called Webster then. The name was Penfield. Zebulon and Barbery Hendee walked with their 10 children from Saratoga, N.Y.. Barbary was actually from Scotland.

Growing up in Webster was great! I was very lucky to grow up across the street from the young girl who would later be my wife - Still is. I was a Boy Scout and liked that more then school. I aquired the rank of Eagle and later in Sea Explorers became a Quarter Master Explorer.

I joind the Navy in 1967 and spent much of my time (1968-69) a 30 miles south of DaNang Vietnam. When I came home I worked at Eastman Kodak five years. Then I went to St John Fisher College where I graduated in 1978. All interesting experiences.

My career took me to the wonderful world of Printing & Publishing where I became somewhat of a Computer gahru. Personally I don't like that term. I trained many adults in the industry to use various software and practices of the publishing industry.

Now I am retired. I volunteer as the technical Director on the Board of the
Treasure Coast Genealogical Society.

Today I have a Genealogical Podcast that I co-host with a fellow genealogist and severaltimes removed cousin Carolyn Lancaster. You can catch our podcast at our website:

You may Contact Me with any information or suggestions regarding the Hendee Genealogy at:
The Hendee Family
A Genealogical Study
© Paul E. Hendee 2020